Sharing Christ to the World in Our Own Backyard

July 20, 2023  -  Pastor Daniel Maggard

Dear Beulah Family,

We want to take a moment to thank you. Thank you for being a safe haven for us. Beulah, which is a people not confined to a building, is a place we can trust to proverbially lay our heads without fear or concern. We can only do this outreach by being emotionally, spiritually, socially, and doctrinally grounded in a solid Bible believing church. While we have been on this mission field these last two years you have been God’s heart and hands to us. So I thank God for each and every one of you!

Thank you for your prayers! In our ministry we share our lives with people who do not fear God. On any given day we are surrounded by Mormons, Hindus, transgender persons, agnostics, borderline occult, Muslims, and those who are angry or ambivalent towards God. Almost every time we have a meaningful interaction with someone we are presented with some new teaching. We are stunned to discover the true depravity of man as we grow closer to people that have values seemingly similar to our own. Please continue to pray for us. Pray we would be grounded in victorious Christian living and sound doctrine. If we are not careful, we will become those who are “tossed to and fro by the waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine, by human cunning, by craftiness in deceitful schemes” (Eph 4:14) as so many here in this community are.

Additionally, we interact with cultures that range from Hispanic, Afro-American, Korean, Chinese, African, Indian, Bangladesh, and Ukrainian. While a benefit of this cultural variety is a host of new and yummy foods, there are also a variety of cultural customs that we have to navigate.  

And I guess I am left with one last thing you can do to support us. Cover us in God’s truth and love. The very next verse in Ephesians 4 reads, “rather, speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in every way into him who is the head, into Christ.” Cover Adelaide in Scripture. Help us cover our children in Scripture. My children need to see that Christian living is far superior to all the other life styles they are seeing.

Thank you for being such a wonderful community of believers. We love you. We are praying for you! 

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