Based on Jesus’ command in Matthew 5:16 to let our light shine before others so they may see our good deeds and praise our Father in heaven, Our Community Ministries are an intentional effort to share the love of Christ by serving and loving our community. Whereas this mindset is encouraged in our daily, individual lives, organized projects are made available to be involved with.
Our Clothes Closet is a ministry of Beulah Baptist Church with the purpose of providing clothing to needy families or individuals in the Lower Richland community. The Clothes Closet is open on the First and Third Saturday of each month from 9 am – 11 am. Click here for more Information.
Emergency Food Pantry is a ministry of Beulah Baptist Church and the Columbia Metro Baptist Association with the purpose of proving food to needy families or individuals in the Lower Richland community. We function as an Emergency Food Pantry meaning that those residents dealing with unexpected our unforeseen financial burden may receive food from our pantry. For those residents who are not dealing with an emergency, there is a 90 day wait between visits. The Food Pantry is open
1st and 3rd Thursdays - from 10 am – Noon.
Located behind the back parking lot at Beulah Baptist Church, 9487 Garners Ferry Road, Hopkins, SC 29061. Click here for more information.
Twice a year, Beulah provides a meal to International Students at USC in cooperation with SC Baptist Collegiate Ministry. (BCM@USC) USC typically enrolls students from 100 or more different nations from literally all around the globe. This ministry is a reminder that God has brought the nations to our back door.
Fall Festival Trunk or Treat
Each year, Beulah hosts a Fall Festival/Trunk or Treat on the church campus for the kids in our community. Traditionally, there have been more people on our campus on this day than any other day of the year, and Beulah gets to opportunity to serve them in so many ways. Decorated vehicles full of candy, games, prizes, costume contests, inflatables, food, music, seeking to get the gospel of Jesus into each kid’s hand, and so much more fills this night and makes this one of the best nights of the year!
Vacation Bible School
During the summer each year, Beulah hosts Vacation Bible School on campus. This is one of the most exciting events of the year. Community kids are invited to join us for an incredible week of Bible study! Each VBS week has a theme, and the kids enjoy watching our building transform into that theme, while they participate in crafts, recreation, snacks, music, videos, tons of fun that go along with that theme…and a few surprises along the way!
Community BBQs
Our community BBQs have been a fixture in our community for generations. The food is great and the fellowship is is part of the fabric that holds our community together.
We are blessed to be able to engage with our local schools in a variety of ways. Our schools represent the future of our community and the investment made to educate, encourage, and support or children is worth the effort. We also strive to come alongside the teachers and administrators to support and to encourage them as well.
Our partnerships include the following schools: Horrell Hill Elementary, Hopkins Elementary, Southeast Middle, Hopkins Middle, and Lower Richland High.
We are engaged with these schools in a variety of ways. Some of the highlights include a yearly Teacher's Breakfast for Horrell Hill teachers and staff. Provide meals for the Lower Richland High School football team before every game, provide materials to encourage students and teachers throughout the school year. Participate in reading days, feild days, school events, and special presentations.
BIBLE STUDY - 9:00 am
WORSHIP - 10:30 am
YOUTH GROUP - 6:30 pm
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