We know meeting someone for the first time can be intimidating, and going to a new church for the first time can be nerve-racking. We want to help make your first experience at Beulah a great one. If you are new to the area, let me welcome you to the Lower Richland community. You have become a part of a growing and friendly community with slow, country living tucked in between Columbia and Sumter SC. It is my prayer that you and your family also be involved in a community of faith where you can "do life" with others who adhere to the teachings of the gospel of Jesus Christ. You are always welcome to Believe, Belong, and Become here with the Beulah family.
Bible Study - 9:00 am
Worship - 10:30 am
Bible Study - 6:30 pm
Youth Group - 6:30 pm
Beulah Kids - 6:30 pm
There are other small group gatherings that meet throughout the week for adults, students, and children.
Beulah Baptist Church is a growing congregation located in southeast Columbia, SC. We seek to know Jesus and make Him known in our community and in the world. Each Sunday, we gather in individual groups for Bible study at 9am. These groups are available for all ages. There is a Bible study group for you! Also each Sunday, we gather corporately in our worship service to glorify Jesus through gospel-centered music and preaching. Our music is a “blended” style and incorporates God-glorifying music from the past and present. The words to the songs we sing and the scripture that is being taught are projected on a screen so you can participate as much as you are comfortable. We do collect an offering each week from our members and regular attenders, but there is no pressure for you to give while you are getting to know us. We are more concerned with your spiritual health than we are with your financial gifts. Our preaching seeks to make the great gospel of Jesus central as we explain the text of Scripture and its application to our everyday lives. We would love to have you as our guest this Sunday!
When you enter the doors of our church, you will find people dressed in everything from blue jeans to sports coats. Come as you are. We are more interested in who you are rather than what you wear.
The overall feel of our Sunday morning worship celebration is encouraging. Our Sunday morning worship service is blended in style to include hymns and more modern songs of faith. Our Celebration Choir also sings during most of the worship services. Our preaching seeks to make the great gospel of Jesus central as we explain the text of Scripture and its application to our everyday lives. We would love to have you as our guest this Sunday!
We are blessed with many children and have wonderful programs and activities that make a difference in today’s children. We understand that you may be a little concerned with leaving your young children in a new place with strangers. We take that concern seriously. All of our teachers are members of Beulah and have provided a background check and have been vetted by our Leadership Team and Pastors. Our children's area is located in the front of our building. There are classes available based on age from Infants to High School students. You will find a place for everyone.
You will find signs for guest parking when you turn off of Garners Ferry Road into our parking lot. There are parking spots marked for guest in the front and the back. Come into any of the entrances and there will be people ready to assist you.
Extensive Bible knowledge is not necessary for you to gather with us. On most occasions, the Bible verses that we study are projected onto a video screen so that everyone can see them and understand them. Our pastors explain the Bible in ways that we can all understand, and help us apply it to our everyday lives. There are also Bibles available for use in your seat. If you need a Bible to have at home for personal use, please let us know.
Our desire is for you to experience the joy and peace of knowing Jesus as your personal Savior.
We would love to meet you and your family and get to know you.
Here are some links that might be helpful in you getting to know us better.
If there are any questions we can answer, or if you would like to meet with one of our pastors, please do not hesitate to contact us.
You can email us: info@beulahbaptist.com or call us: 803-776-2188
BIBLE STUDY - 9:00 am
WORSHIP - 10:30 am
YOUTH GROUP - 6:30 pm
All Rights Reserved | Beulah Baptist Church