A Thankful Journey

Cameron DeBrew • June 20, 2023

Looking Back on 30 Years

I want to take this opportunity to thank you for the wonderful weekend you prepared in recognizing my 30-year anniversary at Beulah. It was such a special day for me and my family. Thank you for all the planning, the decorations, the power point, the delicious meal, the sweet fellowship, the “special guests”, and yes, even the entertainment. It was all so meaningful.

As I think about the days of late 1992 when I was finishing up my time inn seminary and looking for a church to serve, I remember very clearly the phone calls I had with J Thompson who was the pastor at aa church in Hopkins, SC. A place I had never heard of and literally a place that I could not find on a map. (Yes, we used maps in 1992). Pastor J was a voice in the wilderness for us as we sought God’s next step in our journey. We had several phone conversations with Pastor J, we spoke to the search committee a couple of times, and we arranged for personal interview. All of that went well and Beulah brought Donna and I down to Hopkins to have some more conversations, pray together, meet some of the congregation, and ultimately present me to the church for consideration as their Minister of Music and Education. Those days and conversations, and faces are crystal clear in my mind all these years later.

That congregation took a chance on me, a 28-year-old, newly graduated, inexperienced minister. They loved us, accepted us, encouraged us, and fed us. We did not know a single person in the community, but we were accepted as family. They became our parents, our grandparents, and our babysitters. They taught us about the church, the community, and the surrounding area. They taught us about life, they taught us about marriage, and they taught us about being a parent. They guided and grew me spiritually. I had the opportunity to be a part of their personal and family celebrations and I also had the opportunity to grieve with them and cry with them. All that grew me as a pastor. Many of those faces are no longer with us. All those wonderful people that invest greatly in this church and in my life. I miss them dearly and wish that they could have been present to celebrate this milestone with us.

To this congregation, you revealed a calling in my life that I did not know existed. You saw something in me that I did not know was there. Through your prayers and willingness to follow God wherever He led, you saw that God had kept Ken and I here on staff for so many years. You were willing to think outside of the box in leadership structure and present me with the opportunity to be your Lead Pastor. Those days, and those conversations were life altering for me. I am writing this article sitting in a chair that I never considered and behind a desk that I never sought after. It was NEVER in my plan to be serving in the capacity that you have called me to serve. You have been patient with me, you have been gracious, loving, and supportive. I am very grateful to you and for you. God has certainly used you to influence the path of my life.

Like the children’s story about the little train that could, here we are 30 years later pushing every day in every decision to know Jesus and make Him known, (toot-toot).

I love you all so much. Sunday was a monumental day for me, and my family and I believe it was a monumental day for our congregation. God is to be celebrated for His goodness and His grace on this congregation for so many years. I am looking forward to the coming days and years.

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