BBQ and Missions

Cameron DeBrew • April 25, 2023

BBQ and Missions

There is a lot going on in the life of Beulah this coming month. May brings spring fever, yard work, school coming to an end, Mother’s Day, proms, graduations, and so many other things. We are looking forward to the opportunity to leverage these events and activities to advance the kingdom by presenting and representing the good news of the gospel in all our “extra” activities. 
We will be highlighting Mother’s Day, Baby Dedication, and Graduation during the next few weeks and we will be hosting a familiar event with a new purpose. On May 27 we will have our First Annual Missions Fundraiser BBQ. This is shaping up to be an extremely exciting and impactful event. As you know, we as a congregation are blessed to have many Ministry Partners, both local and international, that are working daily to evangelize, disciple, and meet the needs of people throughout the world. We are so blessed to be able to come alongside them in their work by praying specifically for them, by financially supporting them, and by physically assisting them. 
We also have several Community Partners that are important to the overall health of the Lower Richland community. Working with these partners allows us to be a part of the education, safety, well-being, and direction of our community, and most importantly, it gives us the opportunity to build relationships with our community and to engage the gospel message to our friends, family, and neighbors. 
The Missions Fundraiser BBQ will be an opportunity for us as a congregation to raise money to continue our work and support of these great partners, That day you will definitely enjoy some delicious BBQ, but you will also have the opportunity to meet several of our partners and hear the important work that they are doing and work that we are supporting, There will be a Missions Fair where our partners will interact with you and provide updates and information on their specific ministries. It is an amazing opportunity to have so many of our partners together at one time on our campus. 
I encourage you to make plans to attend this event and to invite your friends and neighbors to also attend. I mean everyone wants to eat BBQ on Memorial Day weekend, right? I also encourage you to pray concerning your financial contribution and involvement to this effort. The funds raised will be used exclusively to support these partners and the incredible work that they will do throughout the year 2023. 
I am looking forward to seeing you and your family at this event on Saturday, May 27. 11:00am – 2:00pm 
Pastor Cameron 
Listed below are our current Ministry and Community partners. Look through the list and see the variety of ways this congregation is partnered in fulfilling the Great Commission. Click the links to learn more about each partner and discover specific ways to pray for each one. 
Our Ministry Partners include: 
Set Free Alliance, Robby & Chrissy (South-Asia), Brian & Cathy Hutchens (Texas), Hans & Brandy Ostrem (FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes)- Canada), Pastor James Roy (Bangladesh), Alex & Bethany Tandon (South Africa), A Moment of Hope, Christian Adoption Services , BCM @ USCBenedict BCMOperation Christmas ChildColumbia Metro AssociationNorth American Mission Board, and the International Mission Board
Our Community Partners include: 
Camp Cole 
Richland District One Schools 
Local Schools – Horrell Hill Elementary, Hopkins Elementary, Southeast Middle, Hopkins Middle, and Lower Richland High School

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